Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sydney Animania, Ho!

So Sydney Animania 09 is on this weekend. And as expected, I shall grace it with my divine presence!

I'll be wearing my trusty Gurren Lagann shirt, so if any of you guys turn up this weekend, and you spot someone with a Gurren Shirt, radiating an aura of intense sexyness, do come over and say hi!

Oh, and just in case you guys were foolish enough to forget what my Gurren Lagann shirt looks like, here it is:


Also, just for a little bit of fun, here's a picture of me from last year's Animania:

Also sex.


  1. Sent u an email mate.

    Hope to see ya there. ^^

  2. Singapore doesn't have such events.. sad. Not a lot anyway.

  3. I'll make sure to keep an eye out for you. But will you spot me first?

  4. Were you cosplaying in last year's Animania??

  5. You are damn lucky I won't be there. Cause if not, your shirt is MINE. kiddin'.

    and I agree that the last year's pic is sex too. BECAUSE KAMINA IS IN THE BACKGROUND AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  6. How are you? I’m George. I believe i had contacted you before regarding a banner exchange. i'm wondering would you be interested in doing a banner exchange. drop me a message if you are okay with it. Cheers!

    my email

  7. o_O banner exchange?
    i bet nobody talked to you.... hehehe

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